Male Orgasm

Posted by Max Priestley | 2:29 AM

Male orgasm
The male orgasm is a complex experience. The major function of the male orgasm usually includes the ejaculation of sperm. The function of the female orgasm is less clear although there are many common features in the male and female orgasmic experience.

In the 1950s Robert Kinsey, a scientist who first explored human sexuality in any detail, described the orgasm as, 'an explosive discharge of neuromuscular tension'! There is still a lot about the male orgasm that is not entirely understood.

Ejaculation and the Male Orgasm
The male orgasm is not just about ejaculation. It is possible to have an orgasm without ejaculation.

Pre-adolescent boys may experience an orgasm without ejaculation.

Some men do not have an ejaculation until several seconds after orgasm.

Some men, who are incapable of ejaculation, are still capable of orgasm.

Some men, may experience several ejaculations and go on to have further orgasms, but without ejaculation.

Physical Experience of the Male orgasm

The male orgasm seems to have psychological as well as a physical effects. Some men say that they have a more focal experience, feeling the orgasm in the scrotum and the genital area. Other men report their orgasm as a feeling that spreads over to some parts of the body and others that their orgasm is felt all over. How much of this is physical and how much psychological is difficult to judge.

What Happens During the Male Orgasm?

During the male sex act a man's pelvic thrusts become less voluntary and other muscles of the body begin to contract rhythmically. As the orgasm begins, heart rate, blood pressure and respiration all increase.

Some Differences Between Male and Female Orgasms

Although many experiences have common ground there are differences between the male and female orgasm.
The female orgasm has the effect of sucking sperm towards the egg,(the ovum) in the fallopian tube.
Women can often experience an orgasm for a longer period of time than a man.
Women are, in general, more capable of rapidly returning to orgasm immediately after an orgasmic experience.

Control over Ejaculation during Orgasm

Ejaculation is often felt to be disappointing if it happens too quickly. A disappointment that may also be felt by your sexual partner.

Kinsey reported nocturnal emissions in 85% of men, an obvious sign of sexual excitement and in most cases, orgasm. During adolescence and the early 20s this can happen once or twice a month.

Male Multiple Orgasms

Men report multiple orgasm more than women in the Kinsey report. 14% of women reported being multiple orgasmic and between 15-20% of men.


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